19 February 2015

snacks / 02

Happy munching!

Doing /

1. 10 Best Succulents
Yes, I'm hopping on board the succulent train.
Waiting /

1. Tom Ford's second film
Tom Ford's first film A Single Man is a brilliant piece of film. Excellent acting, gorgeous cinematography; and of course great directing. Anything Tom Ford does cinematically I'm there.
Reading /

1. Sort Your Life Out Now
Still having some trouble in the life department (aren't we all?). This article sort of popped up at the right time. Although I won't be paying to read articles about how to sort out my life, I appreciate how the universe threw this at me. It also led me to another blog: Penelope Trunk.
2. Björk on The Gentlewoman
Could this be my first Gentlewoman purchase!? 
Watching /

1. Kiesza's Hideaway video
I love crappy pop music sometimes. Although I think this track is actually pretty good. But the video is better. I'm a sucker for continuous shots in movies so to see one in a music video is a treat. 
2. New Mad Men trailer for the final episodes
I'm so sad Mad Men is ending. I really am. You know, the show is actually really overrated but I just love the drama. I'm really wanting to follow everyone into the '70s for the fashion though. I want to see Sally Draper go to Studio 54.