04 June 2014

my take on the '27 simple things that every woman needs'

1. A go-to movie, book and song/band/playlist
There's nothing worse than feeling alone when you're sad. To make things better, pick up your go-to book (The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo), pop in your go-to movie (Bachelorette), or listen to your go-to playlist or band (Massive Attack's Mezzanine).
2. Something dressy and black
Everyone always says that every woman needs a little black dress, but I understand the ladies out there who don't like to wear dresses. So for those who don't, invest in some nice, black trousers: drainpipe, flare, wide leg; anything goes as long as you can always count on it when you don't know what to wear when you suddenly have somewhere nice to go.
3.  That friend who will answer your text message in the middle of the night
If not the middle of night, then certainly the first thing in the morning. 
4. A great beauty routine
Even if you don't wear makeup, still try to find a face wash/moisturizer routine that works for you. For me, in the morning, I splash my face with cold water, touch up my eyebrows, use a facial lotion, put on eyeliner, mascara, brush my eyebrows and then maybe a lipstick. Find one that works for you and stick with it.
5. At least one bra that fits perfectly AND looks good
I can't stress this enough. A great fitting bra will do wonders for your posture, your chest and, most importantly, your attitude and confidence. And having it in a beautiful baby pink with a lacy trim is even better.
6. A trusty magazine
A publication that has great fashion, beauty and all around lifestyle tips and stories. Personally, I love Elle UK because they cover just enough fashion for my liking and their beauty features are excellent. And they seem to chose great celebrities to profile. I also love Rue Magazine for food, interior and entertaining purposes.
7. A celebrity crush
Okay, so this probably isn't a need but it's fun to have. Every girl seems to have their number one celebrity crush (mine's Robert Redford) and it's always fun to share yours with your girlfriends and then swoon over one another's.
8. A go-to dish
When you suddenly have people over or if you and your boyfriend are having an impromtu night in, you should probably have a dish that is simple, easy and somewhat cheap (and of course, great tasting) that you can whip up in a flash. 
9.  A great pair of black heels
Sling-back, Mary-Jane, peep toe; just make sure you have a good pair of classic black heels to wear when you're either A) feeling fancy/confident/naughty or B) going to an interview or some place special.
10.  That friend who takes you out on a Saturday night and shows you a fun time when you're feeling like shit
Those girls just make the world go 'round.
11. A café/restaurant/coffee shop that you can always count on
Some place that makes the best [insert drink/dessert/sandwich/pancakes/whatever here] ever. Because sometimes you just don't feel like cooking. 
12. A pair of great fitting jeans
I honestly don't understand it when people say they never wear jeans. They're just so classic and clean and simple. They go with everything and now-a-days it's so easy to dress them up and down. They're definitely a closet staple in my mind and I recommend a dark denim boot cut because that style looks best on everyone.
13. A signature scent
Stealing this one from the Thought Catalog article because I think it's pretty important. In the article, the author says to not bother buying a bottle of perfume but I think it's nice to invest in a scent that's your own. I've been wearing Chloé for about 2 years now and even thought the bottle is expensive, I get a lot of compliments on it and I never know anyone that wears it too. 
14. A style icon
Or maybe two or three or four. At least someone who you can look to when you are falling flat in the style inspiration department. Michael Kors said somewhere that you should have a celebrity in mind with the same or similar body type so that you know what looks good on and what doesn't. For me, my style icons are probably Ashley Olsen and Kim Kardashian (hey, the girl is doing EXCELLENT lately and she's the only celebrity I've seen with my body type) Christina Hendricks, Scarlett Johansson and Amanda Seyfried for beauty inspiration.
15.  A great bathing suit
I struggled for a very long time trying to find a bathing suit that was A) inexpensive, B) flattering, C) made me feel good and D) stylish. I finally found it at Target of all places. Just a simple camisole-style tankini top in a coral since that color looks the best on my pale skin as it tries to adjust to getting tan during the summer and a plain black brief bottom. It's so important to find a suit that makes you feel confident because it's tough out there walking around half naked.
16. A role model
Mine is definitely my mom but as far as celebrities go, Sophie Dahl, Chloe Moretz, Kelly Cutrone and Stella McCartney are a few I look up to.
17. A go-to outfit
Or what I like to call, a uniform. This is something that when you're having a slump day and even your celebrity crushes can't give you inspiration, you can go to without any more hesitation and feel good that you look great. Mine is a take on an outfit Ashley Olsen wore.
18. A "guilty" playlist
You know, a playlist where you can listen to all of the Britney and Christina you want combined with some other crappy club songs that, for some reason, sound really good on occasion and make you dance like crazy or start voguing like you're a back up dancer for Madonna. Here's mine.
19. A notebook
Either for diary entries or just to write down a movie quote you heard somewhere or to jot down a brilliant idea you had on the train. Have a notebook just to write down something you forgot to add to your grocery or Christmas list.
20. A style inspiration folder
I have a few, actually, saved on my laptop. One for cold weather, warm weather, formal events and beauty. They're fun to look back on once you've accumulated a whole bunch of looks. And again, they serve as great style inspiration, obviously.
21. Something you're extremely interested in
Smart girls are pretty girls. Find something you're really interested in like WWII or an art movement or conspiracy theories or just a bunch of information on your dream location. They are good conversation starters and let you show off you to new people and if ever your subject comes up, you're totally prepared. Also, the more you know, the more you impress people.
22. Confidence, confidence, confidence
I've learned that you will look good in everything, feel good in everything and be comfortable with everything if you have at least the tiniest amount of confidence.
23.  Red lipstick
Trust me, red lipstick looks good on everyone, every shade and every lip size. Find your color and stick to it.
24. A good relationship with your mother
Or with a mother figure. Your mom is so important and even though she's annoying sometimes and corny at other times, she loves you and you love her and you need the advice she gives you. Plus, she's probably your best girlfriend if you really think about it.
25. A sense of humor
I can't stress this one enough. If you can't poke fun at yourself, you probably can't function very well in society.
26.  A place to escape
It can be your shower (as Nina Garcia answered in this 21 questions from New York Magazine) or your bed (my favorite) or a park or even another state or country. It just has to be a place where you can reconnect with yourself.
27. A pop diva idol
Oh yes. You need one of these. Pick one (or all): Madonna, Beyoncé, Kylie, Gaga, Britney or Christina. If you need a pick-me-up or aren't feeling fabulous, watch them work their stuff and sing their hearts out. It'll be worth it.
Read the original article here.