Watching /
1. Behind the scenes look at Spectre
Spectre, the new James Bond film, looks like it's going to be stunning. Or am I just biased and overly excited because Léa Seydoux is the new Bond girl? I'm also getting excited for the new Bond theme song that comes along with the new film (preparing myself by listening to this).
Reading /
1. Little Black Classics
Penguin Classics is releasing 80 book for 80p for its 80th anniversary. They've designed a neat little website to help celebrate.2. OK Real's Real Talk
Hannah-Rose always links the best shit. I only wish to be as well read and open to articles and stories as she is. On her February loves list she linked to a beautiful designed website called OK Real. I'm really loving their Real Talk section, too, about, well, real talk. Women talking about real womanly stuff.3. International School Lunches
An interesting look at what the average school lunch looks like from around the world. I'd say the USA is lacking a little, wouldn't you?4. Sequel to the Millennium trilogy
My favorite books are the Millennium trilogy (The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, etc.) and author David Langercratz has apparently published a follow up to Stieg Larrson's books. I can't wait for it to come out in August but I'm also apprehensive. What I love about the books (besides Lisbeth Salander, of course) is Larrson's flow.5. 100 Things (Independent) Films Have Taught Me
My love for film and studying it grows stronger with this post.
Listening /
1. Mixes
I used to go onto SoundCloud quite often to discover new songs and new artists (mostly DJs). I'm back into the swing and am enjoying TK's (formerly Dead Fleurette) dark and moody mixes and am going through Freunde von Freunden's list on MixCloud.2. The X-Files Files podcast
Podcasts are having a bit of a moment right now it seems due to the popularity in Serial. I personally couldn't get into Serial but I am enjoying The X-Files Files podcast from Feral Audio. I've been listening along while I go to the gym (since I cut back on my Spotify subscription). It's an excellent show to listen to if you're a die hard X-Files fan (like me). They say it's good to listen to if you're trying to get into the show but I think you get more out of it if you've been a long time fan.3. Blue Light, Red Light (Someone's There)
Can Jack White do anything wrong? The B side to the new single off of Lazaretto "That Black Bat Licorice" (also a kick-ass track - "And the phases of the moon directing all of my decisions") is stunning. A nice jazz-infused cover to balance out the rock, country and blues already on his impeccable sophomore solo album.